400 110 1177


所在地区:上海/市辖区/静安区 企业规模:50-100人

所属行业:建筑、装饰、房地产 / 建筑设计



企业简介 招聘职位 新上项目 企业编号:SH-591
瑞士Lemanarc 建筑及城市规划设计事务所,最早可以追溯到1970年于瑞士洛桑由Fredy Pfister 先生创立的Delta7建筑设计事务所,2000年与Leman Consulting合并成为Leman Architectes 事务所,2008年正式更名为Lemanarc建筑及城市规划设计事务所,在瑞士苏黎世、洛桑和中国上海拥有办事机构,是瑞士联邦建筑师及工程师协会注册事务所。
Lemanarc 事务所在瑞士、德国、奥地利、意大利、法国、加拿大、南斯拉夫、中国和非洲等地都有众多出色的作品。注重:简练纯粹, 文脉传承,经济合理,耐久实用。设计过程细致严谨,强调景观、生态和永续发展。作品从整体到细部,从城市到门把手都得到一致认真的关怀,曾获众多国际奖项。
请登录我所网站 www.lemanarc.com 了解更多详情。
Lemanarc SA, which can date back to Delta7 Architectural Design Office founded by Mr.Fredy Pfister in 1970 in Lausanne, Switzerland, merged Leman Consulting into Leman Architectes in 2000.And in 2008, it officially changed its name as Lemanarc SA. With stations in Zurich, Lausanne and Shanghai, it is the registered office of Swiss Federal Institute of Architects and Engineers.
Lemanarc SA has created many outstanding works in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, Yugoslavia, China and Africa, etc. Its design works focus on conciseness and pureness, context inheritance, rational economy as well as durance and utility. The design process is meticulous, rigorous and emphasizing on landscape, ecology and sustainable development. From the whole to the detail, the works received equal serious concern no matter huge as city or tiny as door handle. Consequently it has won numerous worldwide awards.
Please visit our website www.lemanarc.com to find more details.


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